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EGP and ESP syllabuses
EGP and ESP syllabuses EGP means English for General Purposes and ESP means English for Specific/ Special P…
February 29, 2024EGP and ESP syllabuses EGP means English for General Purposes and ESP means English for Specific/ Special P…
Linguistics Mania February 29, 2024Factors affecting Language Learning Language is a means of expression our emotions and thoughts. Some childre…
Linguistics Mania February 28, 2024Relation between Language and Culture Language and culture are deeply intertwined . One cannot understand …
Linguistics Mania February 27, 2024Cultural Barriers to Translation J.C. Catford talks about two kinds of untranslatability. 1. First the linguistic unt…
Linguistic Mania February 26, 2024SEMIOTICS OF TRANSLATION What Is Semiotics ? Semiotics is the study of how words and other signs systems of…
Linguistic Mania February 25, 2024